Home > Artworks > Francisco Berna Navarro

Photo of Francisco Berna Navarro Spain

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Self-taught painter, born in Novelda (Alicante) in 1962 and based in Monforte del Cid (Alicante) since 2001. Passionate about art drawing and painting at an early age, my usual favorite theme is the landscaping and everything related to the sea (marine), passion is that I inherited from my father. I use the technique of watercolor and gouache as my artistic medium that allows me to express in my works the transparency...

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19.69 x 15.75 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
31.50 x 23.62 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
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Self-taught painter, born in Novelda (Alicante) in 1962 and based in Monforte del Cid (Alicante) since 2001. Passionate about art drawing and painting at an early age, my usual favorite theme is the landscaping and everything related to the sea (marine), passion is that I inherited from my father. I use the technique of watercolor and gouache as my artistic medium that allows me to express in my works the transparency and light from my homeland (the Mediterranean). At one time belonged to the Association of Artists Alicantinos, which gives me the opportunity to present my work in exhibitions and in turn see and observe the work of other skilled artists. I made several solo and group exhibitions and private commissions I have also done for various clients, my work is currently distributed collections of private clients as well as public entities.



Cultural Center of Novelda Gomez Tortosa - Aquarel-les (September 2007).

Bohemia Restaurant Novelda - Landscape (November 2007).

Novelda Casino - Water - Marine (July 2008)

Novelda Culture House - Aigua, oli i pedra (January 2009)

(Featured artists Jose L. Esteve and Antonio Perez "Franchi")

Monóvar Casino - Landscapes in watercolor (October 2009)

Biblioteca Municipal de Monforte del Cid - A Walk in Monforte (October-November 2010)


Casa de Cultura Busot - 53 artist from Alicante (April 2008)

Municipal Arts Centre (Alicante) - 100 Artists Alicantinos (June 2008)

Col-piper school Mostra d'Artistes Locals 2008-Novelda (October 2008)

P. Hall Monte Tossal (Alicante) - Pictura et versus Juvenes (November 2008)

Col-piper school Mostra d'Artistes 2009-Novelda locals (December 2009)

Vicente Poveda Exhibition Hall (Petrer) - Junts Per l'Art (January 2010)

Park Board Tossal (Alicante) - Lux et Voices III (February 2010)

From here my most sincere wishes for you all.

Francisco Berna.

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